Developing an Entrepreneurial Mindset: A guide for working with highly skilled migrants
This guide brings together learning from the Erasmus Plus funded Migrapreneurs project to highlight the challenges which Highly Skilled Migrants (those with at least a degree or equivalent qualification) face when accessing VET and suggest some best practices and recommendations to improve how we work with this target group.
The Migrapreneurs project has worked over 3 years to better understand the challenges which Highly Skilled Migrants face in gaining employment which matches their skill level and has developed a new training programme, specifically aimed at the group, to help them overcome these challenges through the development of entrepreneurial projects or by becoming more ‘intrapreneurial’ in order to improve their employability.
Entrepreneurship competence in vocational education and training
Modern society is changing rapidly the way we live, work and learn. Technological
developments, climate change, demography, crises (pandemic, humanitarian) and
other factors require adapting to new realities. To manage these changes, we need
the right skills and competences. Resilience, flexibility, adaptability, acting upon
opportunities and ideas are just a few elements of entrepreneurship competence, a
key competence for all.
European cooperation in vocational education and training (VET) has an
important role in promoting entrepreneurship competence. In 2020, the European
skills agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience stressed the importance of fostering entrepreneurial and transversal skills. The Council Recommendation on VET for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience calls for adapting and expanding VET by supporting the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills together with digital and green skills. The Osnabrück
Declaration on VET as an enabler of recovery and just transitions to digital and
green economies sets an objective, by 2025, of promoting resilience and excellence through quality, inclusive and flexible VET that includes entrepreneurial education empowering learners to open new businesses.
Responding to this EU priority, Cedefop in 2021 launched a study to provide
VET stakeholders with new evidence on how entrepreneurship competence is
embedded in VET. This report presents findings of the pilot research carried out in
Italy, underpinning the dimensions of learning ecosystems that nurture
entrepreneurship competence in VET.
Women Entrepreneurs - Support
WEgate is an online platform that aims to help women entrepreneurs to start and build up their business with the help of our engaging community and knowledge sharing. We want to enable them to find the best networking opportunities, experienced mentorship and a space for growth.
Keep up with upcoming events and the latest developments of the WEgate community and the women entrepreneurship scene at large.
Funding Women Entrepreneurs: How to empower growth
Intervention is needed to improve women-led companies’ access to finance.
In a recent study, EIB’s InnovFin Advisory assessed the availability of finance for women-owned and managed companies in Europe as compared to the United States. While women-led companies account for only a small portion of financing deals and investment flows, their share is growing. Nevertheless, structural inequalities and persistent biases continue to distort the funding environment.
The study puts forth a number of innovative finance and policy recommendations. Restarting the EU economy after the coronavirus pandemic provides a unique opportunity to tackle gender barriers to finance.
2023 Digital Maturity Report
Business leaders across all of Europe face continued economic pressures and workplace challenges that drive the need to innovate and introduce new ways of working. Remarkably, our report found that a third (31%) of European decision makers would consider leaving their job in the next 12 months, and a further 29% would when the economy improves.
This report explores the digital maturity of businesses and organisations across Europe. It benchmarks attitudes and perceptions of 1,800 EMEA business decision makers evenly distributed across France, Germany, and UK & Ireland of the challenges, attitudes and ultimate opportunities around evolving digital strategies when it comes to delivering the new future of work.